Some encouraging news was in the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics productivity survey . U.S. Productivity continues to rise at a rate of almost 4%. Manufacturing no longer leads the pack as it did when I last wrote about the numbers (see blog entry) more than a year ago, but we aren't far behind.
Productivity seems to be increasing due to numerous factors, not just the applications of newer and cheaper technology. The Economist article titled "Lean and unseen" brings out some interesting findings. They quote James Womak from the Lean Enterprise Institute ( who points out that the knowledge embedded in products made by firms such as Caterpillar, General Electric, and Boeing give them a significant advantage.
Of course this knowledge is contained in the workers that run the process and understand how to produce the products. To continue this growth in productivity it will be important to maintain a work environment that recognizes employees who will go the extra mile. Quoting my friend Bill Guest from last fall (See here for full text). Employees need:
- To be treated with dignity and respect.
- To make a contribution.
- To be noticed for what they do.
When we give our employees the information, tools, and appreciation that they deserve, we are off to a good start at increasing our productivity.